AES Mentoring Program
The AES Mentoring Program is designed to support Presidents, CEO’S and executives of Not for Profit Organisations.
The AES Mentoring Program is designed to support Presidents, CEO’S and executives of Not for Profit Organisations.
AES has provided consulting services to 100’s of Association Leaders for the past 14 years and have identified the success of all these organisations depend on volunteer board members and paid staff . The roles of the Preseident and CEO are crucial in obtaining orgnisational success.
Our mentors are some of the most experienced Association professionals in Australia. All have been CEO’s of some significant organisations and have vast experience as Board Directors.
The “mentoring program” can be tailored to your specific association needs, but we recommend this be conducted over a 12-month period, with mentors meeting mentees weekly (stage 1), fortnightly (stage 2) and monthly (stage 3), either face-to-face or virtually